Us on TOP! Table Mountain behind us. This is the trig beacon at 928 m. (Me still on the lead!) Our humans and Alice (my best!) left early and went via Elephant's Eye cave to the top of Constantiaberg, which was quite windy and chilly.

As told by Coco the Scottie
According to Dawn Larsen of the SA Museum, this little fly looks like it could be Hermyia diabolus (Family Tachinidae) which appears to specialize in parasitizing the twig wilter insect. Here it is helping itself to pollen or nectar on Pseudoselago serrata, the tooth-leaved selago.
Apart from lots of dogs along the stream, the Foodlady saw lots of rooiels trees, Cunonia capensis. They have large compound leaves that unfurl from butter-spoon-shaped buds which you can see in the photo. (More info, click on the name.)
Tea on the rocks because dogs are not allowed to picnic next to the dam, and the dog swimming corner was too hectic because Dougal wanted to take out a few Bernese mountain dogs and English setters and their owners were worried.
Near the dam were lots of these ericas - called yellow rice ericas or Erica lutea - and this pretty pine tree look-alike with blue flowers is Psoralea pinnata.
Almost home...
One of our favourite spots to cool off and drink at the end of a long walk - the river near Cecilia parking. Asparagus scandens - the Foodlady thinks its berries looks like Christmas baubles in the forest - with Alice in the background.
(John Winter - 2009)