Today there were us two dogs, and four humans: Paul and Pauline, Sue and the Foodlady (Alpha Male is full of cold and sniffles and has a gruff voice that is a bit alarming). We were a bit worried because there was a sign saying that only three people could walk and the fourth one was crossed out, but luckily no-one got cross with us for being four, and we saw lots and lots of other people in groups of more than three. We walked up Steenberg and had tea on the top.

There was a nice natural drinking bowl at tea, and some rocks for me to practice my mountaineering skills.

This is me leaping from rock to rock,

but Dougal preferred to hunt for rodents and reptiles in the fynbos in his rather manic fashion. Usually all you can see of him is his tail sticking up over the bushes.

What we are always hoping to find, but maybe not as big as this Cape Crag Lizard or Rooiskurwejantjie (
Pseudocordylus microlepidotus microlepidotus). 
Paul's grass
Pentaschistis curvifolia was looking most beautiful today in many different colours.
When we got back to Wolfkop Car Park I thought I might join another group that was heading off, but then remembered that I am no longer a puppy with boundless energy, and changed my mind. You can just see me in the middle of the photo, weighing up the pros and cons ...