What a weekend! We went with our humans to our grandparents's cottage in the Cederberg and Dougal showed me how to hunt for tortoises which was just amazing. They are chewing bones with legs - and there are lots of them all around the cottage. The Food Lady was a bit irritating becuase she kept on taking them
away from us. Then we went for a walk and we found this long, fat snake and were just beginning to investigate it when both humans started yelling at us and dragged us away from it. Apparently its a puffadder and is definitely a no-no. We had a fantas
tic walk to the pools where there were lots of people - including some kids which was nice as I love kids. Dougal was a bit grumpy as he doesn't like the water - or kids. But I had a swim (not quite intentional but it cooled me down as it was very hot).

The Food Lady took lots of photos as there were lovely flowers - including lots of these Paranomus bracteolaris bushes.
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