Just our humans and us this morning. We set out while the moon was still up, and walked around our
vineyards which were looking good. this is me in front of the manor house.

And this is the back side of the Golden Boy in the golden light.

We heard lots of baboon noises, and then we saw this large furry baboon high up in a pine tree. Luckily for him he didn't try and tackle us for food which is what Cape Town's baboons are famous for doing. The Food Lady even put us on leads in case we went after him. After a hectic squirrel chase it was home, and a BATH. (We are still suffering from fleas.) Then they left us to go out to lunch with
Omie and
Opie D.
Omie Domes at the
Driefontein Farm Restaurant near
Greyton with an English Setter called Susie, and just look at that shameless Jack Russell on the floor!

There was a painting of Herman the restaurant owner and chef''s car with Susie-the-English Setter and another dog, a
Bassett hound called
Basjan driving. I wish I had been there, it sounds like a fun place for dogs! But I don't think
Dougal and
Basjan would have got on.
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