What excitement. Lucy is back AND we had two new canine walkers today. (And a couple of humans too.) At last I got to meet Honey who belongs to Helen and Paul (and Caroline and Katherine but they stayed at home). Here is Honey with Paul.

Josie also came - she is from St Francis Vet and has adopted Richard and Lucy as her humans. She was not really very interested in us as like most Maltese Poodles, she thinks she is not really a dog. Here she is with Richard. (I think Dougal fancies her!)

Our special guest was Lydia from New Zealand who has two cats (see a photo of them in the gallery on the right). Luckily she left them behind on Alexander's duvet in New Zealand. This is Lydia.

We set off up the path and it got windier and windier. Here are Sue, Lydia and Helen looking windswept.

We found a sheltered spot for tea. Helen, Richard, Lucy, Josie, Sue, Honey (who thinks
Dougal has her biscuit), Pauline,
Clelia, Paul, Alpha Male and Lydia. (I am next to Sue.)

And here is the Food Lady dispensing biscuits.
It was rather windy and swirling with clouds, so we didn't go to the view point, but headed back down the road to the cars.

Clelia spotted this little
slug eater snake which is harmless. We were ahead with the Alpha Male and
didn’t see it or I might have tried it out as I enjoy eating lizards.

There were lots of pink sweet pea bushes -
Podalyria calyptrata - full of bumbling carpenter bees that I also like to eat when they are foolish enough to bumble down to
scotty level. (This is Lydia's photo of the sweet peas bush with the yellow
Leucadendron xanthoconus in the centre.)

Here is another of
Lydia's photos of
Erica plukeneti and the sickle-leaf
conebush Leucadendron xanthoconus.

And this is
Clelia, who studies birds and speaks French - another photo taken by Lydia.
All that was missing on this fun walk was my absolute best - Alice!

Then back home it was coffee and lots of talk about New Zealand which we
don't like
because we will be left behind for a whole month.