Today they took us through a very exciting but rather difficult to negotiate canyon. It was an easy walk up to the Karbonkelberg when we did it 3 months ago with the Wednesday Walking Troop (that includes my friends Haj and Litchi) but the path has been washed down the mountain and into the sea. Here are Sue and Kristin lookin at the famous surfing spot known as The Dungeons.

Our intrepid Sunday Walkers Troop - consisting of Alice, Sue, Pauline, Kristin, Antje from Bristol (but really Germany) and us four - persisted in following this track despite my falling into the canyon a few times.

Luckily it was soft where I fell. This is me having fallen in the canyon.

The FoodLady got a bit confused - again! - because the path was so eroded she was convinced we were on the wrong one so we took a short detour to make sure and luckily found a few plants of the rare Wynberg Spiderhead,
Serruria cyanoides, 
and some lovely Ewwa-trewwa,
Satyrium corifolium, spikes.

After a hard slog up this most scotty-unfriendly path, we had tea at the old Second World War radar station that was built to detect submarines when they surfaced to recharge their batteries during WW2.

After an explore and many oohs and aahs at the view and the shipwrecks, and photos! we decided head for home and do Suther Peak another day when the path has been renovated.

This is Kristin giving the "path" a wide berth!

Lots of little
Babiana ambigua plants. The name
Babiana comes from baviaan, the Dutch word for baboon. They must eat them as well as proteas.
Pauline and Sue - great African explorers.
Nearly home. The Sentinel standing guard.
You can see where some of the missing path ended up!
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