Thomas has arrived in his new home in Greyton. These are from Alice who went up there to join in the fun and games. Brrrrhrrmph. Aiden looks stumped! (Apparently Arabella wont allow him near her.)
And the fox said to the little prince: men have forgotten this truth, but you must not forget it. You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed. -Antoine de Saint-Exupery, author and aviator (1900-1944)
Coco the Swarovski Crystal dog
Farewell to the Goblin King
In Memoriam My old friend Hudge
Sadly passed away in April 2015. Our Wednesday walks just will not be the same.
In Memoriam: Phoebe
We were so sorry to hear that Dougal's sister Phoebe had died. Our condolences to Mary, Deon and Augusta
In memoriam: Charlie
My best friend Charlie died suddenly and we miss him terribly
Rest in peace uTata
Nelson Mandela with Gompo, his beloved dog, in Soweto. Photo: Alf Khumalo.
My new modelling career
Click on the pic to go to the Margiknits facebook page
Flower Fairy Website
Brownie pix
My late and so much lamented big brother
Dougal's sister
FAMILY across the road
My mother, Jeannie, with my brother Jamie, and the BBJ, a fierce auntie, and their human, Odette
An honorary aunt
Jessie or the BBJ (Bad Bitch from Johannesburg)
Dougal alone with his thoughts
"Here we are, we're alone in the universe, there's no God, it just seems that it all began by something as simple as sunlight striking on a piece of rock. And here we are. We've only got ourselves. Somehow, we've just got to make a go of it. We've only ourselves.” John Osborne
Golden oldies
Bertie and Sam
Golden Oldies
Tombi, Dougal and Sam
Golden oldies
Marie-Anne and Tombi
Photo taken by Alice high up on Constantiaberg
"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog."Mark Twain
Waiting to go for a Walk
in the back of the land rover
Our Canadian cousin
Maddie and Claude
Fishhoek 'COUSINS'
Arabella and Aidan
English cousin
My friend Boomer
My friend Honey
My friend Bella
My friend Nancy
My friend Roxy
My Friend Ellie
My friend Bessie
My friend Belle
My friend Lucky
My friend Lucy
My friend Honey
My friend Pippin
My friends Goose and Maverick
My friend Boris
who, sadly, is no longer
My friend Josie
My friend Bim Bim
My human cousin Arti
when he was a baby
My friends Bim Bim and Squidge
My friend Harry
My friend Chino
Sophie the Schnauzer from Durban
My friend Paula from Germany
My friend Luna from Jo'burg
My friend Deeba from Scotland
My friend Gambit from Lion's River
My friend Tikki
(who sings soprano)
My friends Snoopy & Tombi
in memoriam: Boris
Click on Katrin's photo to go to the one occasion in 2010 when Boris joined us on a walk up Trappieskop.
Rest in Peace Dawnie Dawg
In Memoriam
Sasha Claassens
In memoriam
Maggie, the Fat Dog
In Memoriam
Ollie and Oscar with their human, Graham. These two little dogs were attacked and killed by 6 pitbulls near Tokai Park in early 2014.
In Memoriam
In memoriam
The upside down Arsenal basset
In Memoriam
In memoriam
In Memoriam
Mr Gus (the august gentleman)
Jane and Mr Gus
In Memoriam
In Memoriam
In Memoriam
In Memoriam
In Memoriam
In Memoriam
In Memoriam
In Memoriam
In Memoriam
My Favourite Humans
My Favourite Humans
Ziba and me
My favourite humans
Leah and Tess with Simba - a boerbul
My favourite humans
Leah and Tess (with their humans, and Alpha Male and us)
My favourite humans
Tammy and Shumpkin
My Favourite humans
Susan and the Alpha Male
The "little kitty" (hah!)
Babs from Canada's "sister"
New Zealand Cats
not exactly a friend - but bigger than me so has to be tolerated
What a handsome young chap! I can see many adventures ahead.