Today were back in Silvermine doing the same walk as we did on Wednesday, but it is such a lovely walk that we were quite happy especially as it was deliciously cool and breezy - perfect for Scotties - AND ALICE came too. This is Alice and me standing on Steenberg Ridge looking back across to Muizenberg.

Dawndawg also joined us, as did Sue and Joana from Portugal and Thea without Boris. Dawndawg is not so sad anymore and can be quite assertive these days so every now and then I have to sleep on her bed to remind her of the pecking order in the house! Here she is on Steenberg Ridge looking across to Table Mountain and Devil's Peak.

The first thing we saw was this brilliant, flame-coloured Mountain Dahlia (
Liparia splendens) which is indeed very
splendens (Latin for 'to shine' or 'be bright or radiant') even if it is not a dahlia at all. Apparently the word
Liparia is from the Greek word
liparos which means shining or brilliant.

We were walking along the ridge when I was recognized! Fame at last! This is Helen who also has a blog that the Food Lady likes to read. It is called
WalktheCape. It was exciting to meet her in the real world. We noticed that she didn't have any dogs to protect her (I gather she has catsssss) so we hope that one day she will join us one of our Sunday walks. We would really like that.

Another brilliant and shining flower - this time a bud of the Orange Ixia (
Ixia dubia).

Thea, Joana and Sue looking back to Steenberg Ridge that we had just walked along.

And even higher up we could see over Steenberg Ridge to the dam - and almost to Cape Point.

The tip of the Constantiaberg mast is meant to be the highest point on Table Mountain. Dougal was very busy trying to kill mice - as usual without success. These fynbos mice are much more difficult to catch than rats.

We had tea at the top in some rocks that were protected a bit from the wind. You can't see me in this photo because I am deep in the fynbos. But you can see Dougal, Joana, Sue, Thea (also deep in the fynbos), Dawndawg (also with just her head sticking out) and Alice.

Then we started down the other side. You can see Hout Bay coming into view.

Some more bright and shiny flowers - some pink mesembs - probably the Altydvygie (
Erepsia anceps) - and the new buds of the Red Crassula (
Crassula coccinea).

A happy Dawndawg.

Sue and Thea with the Constantiberg mast above. Quite an achievement to have been up there!

On the way back we bumped into lots of dogs including these Great Danes that Dougal had to stand on tippy toes in order to get a good sniff of!

This little ivory-coloured orchid,
Eulophia aculeata, was growing at the edge of the path. It is quite common in damp places and occurs from the Cape Peninsula right into Mpumalanga. And that concluded another brilliant walk!

We weren't even tired when we got home and helped the Food Lady do some gardening by trying to rid the garden of all lizards, geckos, skinks and mice. (Not very successfully but not for lack of trying.) This is us on full alert - listening and waiting ...

Then Dougal pounces into the middle of the flowers - splat ...

and I went in to finish off but sadly, it got away. Ho hum.
Hi, it was lovely to meet you all! The rest of your walk looked fabulous... I feel totally inspired to climb up to the tower one day soon (a walk I've never done). And sometime in the new year I'd love to join one of your Sunday walks.
ReplyDeleteI am giggling at your antics in the garden though, Coco & Dougal. Trixie & Tom, my cats, say I should tell you that while they may never come on walks with me (faaaar too lazy for that) they would never EVER let a lizard or gecko get away!
Yes our cat is also better than us at geckos but we scotties have a better concentration span than some dogs when it comes to flushing out innocent little animals our Food lady says.