We went for a lovely late afternoon walk in Cecilia on Saturday. The parking area will soon be shut while they harvest the plantation of pines and gums. They are not re-planting them but will allow the fynbos to regenerate. The Food Lady thinks its a great plan.

Dawnie dawg was not happy. She likes dark and gloomy things like forests.

Surveying the removal of the gums. The Alpha is not happy either. We are therefore not too sure what we should feel - but our tails are up!

Along the contour path above Kirstenbosch (dogs stricly on leads!) there were lots of flowers because the alien trees were cleared away here almost 40 years ago now. This is
Heliophila linearis.

Gremlin - the big fat cat was waiting for us when we got home - impatient for her supper. Pig cat!

Dougal and Gremlin having a boxing match through the glass.
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