Pauline and Paul were the only takers for the walk today - and us of course. We started at Ou Kraal above Kalk Bay, holding thumbs (well, claws) that it wouldn't start pelting down. Lucky for us, it was pretty perfect.

Me 'n Doog looking for moles on the Old Mole Track.

We had a drink and thought of Sam the legendary labrador who revived by spending 20 minutes cooling off in Weary Willy’s pool after his ordeal on Kalk Bay Peak.

Up and up we went.

Jojolu track – hoping the FL got it right this time.

Being terriers, we were keen to explore any caves. There are lots and lots of caves here full of the bones of Jack Russell terriers the Food Lady says (to keep us on the straight and narrow). After all, it is called Cave Peak. This is the entrance (or exit depending on which way you start) to Boomslang Cave.

On the top there were lots of natural drinking pools for us scots, and for the humans, a lovely rainbow and fantastic views over Fish Hoek and Simon's Town, but we were mad because we couldn't chase dassies as we were on leads to prevent us from falling into Devil’s Head and Devil’s Pit and several other caves along the path.

Tea with rainbow on the slopes of Cave Peak: Dougal, Pauline, Paul, the Alph and me.

A view over Echo Valley from Cave Peak – and right across False Bay to the Hottentots Holland Mountains.

This is a large sedge called Bergpalmiet (
Tetraria thermalis). It started to rain ever so softly as we got to the Amphitheatre, so we decided not to go the long way home, and instead headed over the side of Ridge Peak and down into Spes Bona forest.

This is the Alpha helping?? me down. Unfortunately for us scots, our legs are so short and our noses therefore so close to the ground that they tend to get bashed around a bit. But don’t rub our noses in it! Notice the Alpha’s trousers are torn at the knee. Not from falling, but from sheer age as he has been hiking in these cords since he was knee high to a ticky.

In the deep dark forest there was a very slippery boardwalk which we hate but the Food Lady is nervous of all the crevices and cracks and yells if we hop off for too long.

More amazing colours and rainbows when we emerged out of the deep dark forest. Dougal immediately started hunting for mice amongst the ericas.

I was flagging a bit as we haven’t really done much walking and I am a bit unfit. So Paul, the Alpha and Doog were all waiting patiently for me at the turn off to the Dog Rock path.

They were also waiting for the FL who was photographing this odd little Melkbol or Wilderamenas (
Euphorbia tuberosa). Like all euphorbias, it exudes a poisonous milky latex, and the flowers are unisexual and enclosed in a tiny cup-shaped structure called a cyathium or “false flower” which is surrounded by five fleshy glands that look a bit like petals.

Tails up on Hilltop Path!

The path leading to Baileys Kloof - Muizenberg Beach in the distance where our human cousins no doubt are surfing.

We were a bit nervous by this funny baboon headed rock. Should we try and sneak behind it?

Luckily all was well and we were safely down in no time at all.
They popped in to see our human grandmother in her new house in Fish Hoek, but we had to stay in the car. This is the Alph with Petrus on Omie Dome's new balcony.

Omie Dome's spaniels were also locked up - in Alice's house - while they were unpacking.
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