A cool morning for a walk up Steenberg with Sue, Kate and Greg from Canada, Paul (yes - Paul was back as his back is a bit better) and Pauline, us and the Alph and FoodLady. Looking back over the wetlands of
Zandvlei and the False Bay coastline.

On the way up we saw some Painted Ladies (
Gladiolus debilis)

and some halfmens? Nah, just the daisy
Oedera imbricata.

Lots of
Erica pyxidiflora on the central plateau over the ridge
in fact hundreds!

Paul was interested in this tiny red, mat-forming mesemb that we think might be an

Sue and the Alph with the storm clouds over False Bay about to engulf us.

What with the storm looming and this Triceratops rearing out of the rocks, I was just a bit worried that Dougal might be snared (Arti-speak for frightened).
Erica plukenetii
and a toothy
Lobelia pinnifolia.

Greg snapped a few shots before the rain rather spoiled things,

as did the Food Lady with this
Helichrysum helianthemifolium.

Then Kate produced a bottle of bubbly for tea. Just look at Dougal with his tongue hanging out waiting for some champagne and rusks. Actually we all felt like that. It was quite a pull all the way up to Muizenberg Peak. It was fun celebrating Greg being in South Africa,

except Dougal didn't like the champagne cork popping. 'Save me Food Lady" he is saying. What a drip.


Tea shot. Paul, Sue, Kate, Greg, the Alph, me and Pauline.

Then it started raining harder, and we all had to get going.

Kate and Greg climbed up to the trig beacon with Dougal (who wasn't meant to 'cause its quite steep up there, but his head was a bit scrambled after the popping champagne cork).

Once we were down, the rain seemed to lessen slightly, but you can see a drop or two got onto the lens. This is a drippy and wet Pincusion (
Leucospermum conocarpodendron) taken by a wet and drippy Food Lady.
Have had great fun catching up with the posts and loving the photos as usual. What wonderful plants.
ReplyDeleteDo your ticks carry Lyme disease? And what precautions do you take if any?