Last rainy Saturday morning we left for the Cederberg full of expectation for some good tortoise hunting. There were rainbows over the farmlands but as we were stuck on the floor of the Honda, there was precious little we could see.

So we were happy to be allowed out to explore the Rietdakkie Farmstall even though it was spitting with rain. We don't mind ice cold rain. We are bred to endure such weather! But the Food Lady was complaining a bit about the lack of Vitamin D over the past few weeks,

so the Alph bought some rooster koeks to cheer her up. (They were rather stodgy bread rolls with cheese and jam in the middle. Nothing to do with crowing roosters.) Dougal was eyeing the brooms as he absolutely HATES brooms and likes to shred them to little slivers. We managed to distract him though before he embarrassed us.

It poured with rain and blew all night long, but Sunday morning looked quite hopeful. The best part of the Cederberg is being allowed to sleep in the same room as the humans - as long as we don't lick and scratch.

We were really keen to get out now that it had stopped raining and check the place out for tortoises, but the humans were equally keen to stay under the duvet. Come on! Hurry up!

There was a sprinkling of snow on the highest peaks,

and EVENTUALLY we set out on the puddley road. Just look at me with a spring in my step!

This is one of many cats that live on Riversong. They are bold and brazen and didn't run away when I tried to chase them which is most disconcerting to a Scottie.

We carried on to the Tadpole Pools where we bumped into Jack the Black Labrador who lives with all the cats at Louis and Era's house. He was happy to see us but didn't stay as he was on a serious walk with some of his humans.

There were waterfalls cascading off every cliff - like these ones on Geelberg.

The Grey-leaf Sugarbush (
Protea laurifolia) was starting to flower.

As were these pretty pink everlastings -which the Food Lady thinks are probably
Edmondia sesamoides.

Then - BIG excitement! Baboon smells and evidence - but despite several intensive investigations and frantic searching, not one did we even see!

We were so busy hunting for baboons that we didn't have time to catch fairies but when we got home, the Food Lady put some fairy bog roll in the bathroom.

Probably too cold for fairies, but all the same, I found a nicely elevated rock, settled down and waited for tortoises, or lizards, or dassies, or ANYTHING to venture out.

All too soon it was back in the car and homeward bound. Snow on the peak that we can never remember if it is Sneeukop or Sneeuberg as there seems to be several Sneeukops and Sneeubergs around here. Whatever, it is the highest peak in the
Kouebokkeveld area.

A bit of excitement when we went over the low bridge into the Slangkop Valley - scary snary! We have never seen the river so high.
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