This morning we arrived at Silvermine Gate 2 to be welcomed by a smiling and cheerful Mr Pakkies.

Alice and Maddie had met us earlier, but when we arrived in the carpark, what a surprise! Not only were Sue, Thea, Paul and Pauline there, but this tall Aussie guy in an Aussie hat came strolling over and suddenly there were exclamations and kissing. It was Guy from Melbourne who had read my blog and had turned up to surprise us all.

Up the
Amphithalea ericifolia path of dog poo we went,

all the way up Steenberg till we collapsed for tea. Guy, Paul, Sue, the Alph, us two, Alice, Thea Maddie and Pauline.

There were lots of delicious things to eat, so can you blame me if I saw the gap and snaffled up the Alph's Melissa's Farmstyle rusk? Here is Dougal choosing what he would like. (Photo courtesy of Alice.)

Yes, I am a bad little dog I know but I enjoyed the bit of biscuit that I was allowed to eat! And no-one was really cross at all. In fact they all laughed so I don't feel too guilty. The Alph says I will get a sore tummy from all the sugar but I will take my chances.

Guy from Melbourne and Paul discussing lenses and apertures.

Yikes, but look what is creeping up on them! Better get on with the walk guys!

A China Flower - member of the buchu family - possibly
Adenandra villosa.

We were all spread out in the colourful winter fynbos.
Leucadenron laureolum maybe? Can't quite see the characteristic groove in the cone.

A dead bee that had got stuck into the
rare, endemic to Silvermine Sticky Heath (
Erica urna-viridis). 
More amazing colours (although us dogs can't appreciate the gasps and exclamations because we can't see colours of course but we just love it whenever our humans are happy). This is the Tree Pagoda (
Mimetes fimbriifolius).

The Tree Pagoda is also endemic to the Peninsula and classified as
Rare on the Redlist.

Its specific name ‘
fimbriifolius' refers to the fringe of hairs that is found on the margins (brim) of the leaves. The leaves have three tips - which distinguish it from the very similar (when not in flower) Green Tree Pincushion (
Leucospermum conocarpodendrum viridum).

These ericas (maybe
Erica glabella) were making a splash of purple all over Steenberg.

Stopping to smell the flowers ... or rodents in our case. We are also quite a colourful lot.

Purple Gorse (
Muraltia heisteria).

Omg! Look at this Rock Scotty Dog. Quite spooky.

Maddie pretending to be a rock monster too. (Photo from Alice.)
It was a lovely cold and crisp walk and the humans really enjoyed Guy's surprise visit. Hope to see you again one day soon Guy!
Loved it, as usual! Thanks, Lydia