30 December 2012

In clover

The Alph has been on leave so we have been having some fun outings. On a walk at Fish Hoek we encountered a swirl of spaniels on the beach, all closely related it seems,
including Logan, Thomas the Cool's father, who is a lot more obedient than Thomas. (But not as cool.)
We went one cool and blowy day to the Greenbelt,
where I had a paddle in the river with the Alph.
Dougal helping with the housework.
We went back to Groot Constantia vineyards to chase baboons one hot and sultry Sunday,
and searched in vain amongst the vines, the oaks, and the enchanted castle, but not one baboon could we find. (Although we did hear the faintest of baboon barks in the distance.)
Then we saw the reason why. A huge electric fence has been put up to keep them out of Groot Contstantia, but it also cuts off the best part of the walk through the fynbos and forest,
so we had to find our way down through the vines,
which was hot and slippery. The Food Lady found some flowers including this little bellflower - possibly Wahlenbergia obovata.
Eventually we found some water where the natural stream trickled under the ugly fence and over some concrete.
But then we found a bigger pool where I could have a proper swim. It was rather dilapidated and the water was just Scotty depth. And just a little bit smelly too - just how we like it.
Luckily it said nothing about dogs not being allowed to swim!
We scouted for squirrels on the lawns - and bayed for baboons - but nothing!
So a quick roll in the clover - luckily missing the bees - and it was home to see our human brothers.

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