13 September 2016

Devil may care

On Sunday they just drove off and left me all by myself. But do I care?
I chewed my bone, and barked at the neighbour's Maltese poodles, and then just waited for them to come back.
Laddie said that it was a very long and rather hot walk so maybe I got let off lightly. Maybe I might even forgive them. I would have liked to say hi to Lucy and Richard who were there with their friends Emma and Jonathan, as well as Nola and her new dog Lacey. 
The Food Lady saw a few flowers - a shaggy Mountain Anemone (Anemone tenuifolia),
and some endemic Peninsula Conebushes (Leucadendron strobilinum).
Eventually they reached the peak. Laddie was so happy he had to kiss Richard! We have both been there before and I have been up there a few times but the Food Lady tells me I would have overheated today. Last time was two years ago - click here to see my blog entry - with Richard and Kate and Sue and Honey and Pauline and Human Brother Phil and Harvey.
Tea on the top - with views back to Muizenberg - and me somewhere down there.
Emma, Nola, Lacey, Laddie, Lucy, the Alph - and Richard and Jonathan out of the picture.
Poor tired Lad - enjoying the soft grass pillows ...
until a vision from above woke him up.
Lacey keeping an eye on her mum.
Helooo Lacey. Looking forward to meeting you.
Richard and Lucy looking over Dassen and Robben Islands and all the beleaguered penguins.
"Hey dude, lets be friends?"
"OK - follow me."
Starting the downward trek.
Bumping into a pair of bosties -
one of them a rare "lilac" colour -
much the same as the Food Lady's protea - Protea lepidocarpodenron.
A Silver Vlei Spider in its web amongst the sedges (thanks to Pieter Blignaut of the Spider Club of Southern Africa for the id).
And a Painted Lady (Gladiolus debilis) to end.
When they EVENTUALLY arrived home - after stopping off to say hi to Kerryn who has just returned from her whirlwind tour of the frozen north - I was offered a walk RTB. All resentment ended.
And Lad came too.

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