After a very very hot Wednesday walk with the Food Lady and her friends when I tried to take a short cut home and incurred the wrath of the Food Lady, today's walk was lovely and cool. We met Sue, Thea without Boris, Kristin (from the USA who has been here with us before in 2009 - just type Kristin in the search box on the right and the relevant posts will come up), Richard, Josie, Nola, Maverick and Goose, and all piled into the Land Rover which we drove along Chapman's Peak Drive and parked near the booms. Then it was all out and up the mountain.

There were some red Mountain Pipes or Summer Snakeflowers (
Tritonipsis triticea) in bloom. this one has a strange little bristly gogga on it.

Goose and Maverick on top. The Sentinel in the background and the Karbonkelberg covered in cool clouds.

Another red flower for the Food Lady, this Red Rock Heath (
Erica nevillei) that we have seen before, and only grows on the higher parts of these mountains from Constantiaberg to Kalk Bay.

Setting off along the contour path with the clouds still swirling around the peaks. Dawniedawg is getting a bit myopic and has to smell everyone to find out which one is the Food Lady. Nope, not you ...

Another Tritoniopsis - this one is the pepper-scented Pepersouskousie (
Tritoniopsis parviflora).

Tea on the rocks overlooking Hout Bay beach. Thea, Sue (trying to beat the Food Lady at her own game), The Alpha, Kristin, Richard, Nola and standing on the rock looking goofy is Dawniedawg. You can just see my tail - up.

Its not just me that likes being a lap dog!

Me contemplating the deep blue cool sea. So very far below.

The long and gravelly road home.
Oh, and the one that got away - that large flappy insect that looked like a cross between and butterfly and a stick insect with a bit of dragonfly thrown in that the Food Lady missed getting on the camera - turned out to be an adult
Mottled Veld Antlion.
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