This morning, minus the Alph who is still in The Land of Oz, Sue, Thea (minus Boris), Lee-Anne from Canada and a new Kate who works in the bird section of
Bristol Zoo and is out here on an
Earth Watch visit, set out in the Land Rover in a gentle drizzle. By the time we got to this church at Rubbi Road in Kommetjie, the sun was trying to shine. Alice was there with Maddie, and Richard and Lucy and Josie.

So off we all set up Slangkop mountain.

There were lots of pretty Sandkalossies (
Lachenalia rubida) flowering in the white sand,

as well as some interesting restios and sedges,

and this funny little scrofularious
Manulea cheiranthus.

Looking back over Kommetjie village and Long Beach - with Chapman's Peak on the right.

We hit the road and walked up past Ocean View and some cheerful and friendly humans greeted us, but the dogs all barked menacingly, but I was cool about that as I knew nodog would take on Maddy.

We also met a jogging Jack Russell who didn't even glance at us he was so involved in his jog.

Back on the main Hoerikwaggo Path, we saw lots of flowers for the Food Lady and Alice, like this Bristly Snakethistle
Cullumia setosa. What is is about this place and snakes? Slangkop, snake thistles, snake stem pincushions, cobra camp! (
See this previous post too).


It started to drizzle and I was rather envious of Josie in her fur-lined rain jacket.

The rain set in and we trudged soggily past Cobra Camp ruins, down a new path we had never been on before.

A pretty sage that the Food Lady had never seen before - Rooi Salie (
Salvia lanceolata).

The cars were still there and the rain stopped.

Down the avenue of gums we trudged,

all rather wet and bedraggled and looking forward to a nice warm blanket.
On the way home we saw lots of baboons near Tokai Forest which was very exciting.
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