07 November 2016

A Scottie Walk and a Scottie crash

Today was a Scottie Walk day at Groot Constantia. Mac was there with Pam and his pushchair.
And Cape Town's famous Scottie lady Eileen with her posh Scotties - and a granddaughter.
Simon's friend Adi was there with his mom and fiancé and Hamish and Finlay. Here he is trying to teach them some manners.
The lady who makes the delicious Scottie biscuits was there with Macguyver and Nisa.
And not all the walkers were Scotties either - there were some Westies too.
Off we set into the vineyards.
Good smells down in the ditch - but the Food Lady wasn't allowed to let me off the lead because of new rules and regulations here.
Across the dam wall,
with some Scotties plunging in.
Others being more legal.
Hamish and Finlay had their own agenda.
And my friends Guinness and Peroni.
I had a lovely dip in the cool, rather stinky duck-poo water,
just perfect. Didn't want to leave.
Helooo hissing feathered friends. What's bothering you?
A happy Lavatory Door was causing havoc in the duck pond chasing ducks and splashing around with glorious abandon. The staff and tourists were running round and shouting but Adi just took off his boots, coolly stepped in and caught the mutt. Nobody claimed him but later his parents came to take him home. Labradors are like that.
We were all much better behaved - for once.
This is Hugo looking so grown up.
Then we decided to have breakfast at the restaurant. Lots of the Scottie walkers had the same idea,
including Guinness and Peroni.
The Food Lady showing off her bag from Pauline, when suddenly, BANG CRASH the whole table fell over with plates and cups smashing and everyone panicking because they thought the baboons had arrived ...
but it was only Laddie. The Alph had looped his lead around the table leg and when he saw a friend across the grass he leapt up and pulled the table after him. He was most embarrassed and his ears didn't come up again for quite a few minutes.
But nevermind Lad. No-one was cross and the restaurant were most understanding and forgiving.

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