23 July 2013

The three black dogs climb Elsie's Peak

On Sunday, us three black dogs met at the top of Ravine Steps in Fish Hoek, and set off up the path with our humans - Sue, Alice, the Alf and the Food Lady.
Looking down on a Glistening Ink Cap (Coprinus micaceus). As it was quite warm, I wondered if there were any fairies under there, but there were none.
And, still in a whirl, a budding Gold Spiderhead (Serruria villosa).
Where were we going? Why, up Elsie's Peak of course. To look for a very rare and endangered flower that we've seen before, but like to see it when it flowers.
Wat is this? No. This is a protea hybrid between the naturally occurring Protea lepidocarpodendron and a planted Protea neriifolia. (For more about it, go to iSpot.)
Was it this then? Yay - found! The rare and endangered False Heath (Audouinia capitata) flowering jauntily, and we even found another bush further down the path too.
Looking down on Glencairn all the way back to Simons Town.
Another unusual flower - the Small Mountain Dahlia (Liparia parva) which is not a dahlia but a pea and it is pollinated by mice.
Tea below the peak. The Alf, Sue, Honey, Alice and Maddie.
Maddie checking for dassies and lizards. We share a taste for the finer things in life like tormenting dassies and lizards. (Although we haven't had much luck as yet but it doesn't stop us from trying.) Dougal was a mouse man, but we black dogs are lizard and dassie and baboon aficionados. (Actually Honey is not sure what she is yet, but give her time.)
Another whirly spiderhead - the Wynberg Spiderhead (Serruria cyanoides). It is also rare and endangered, and endemic to the Cape Peninsula and nowhere else.
Spring in the air? Some little Babiana villosula flowers opening up in the sunshine - which was becoming quite fierce!
We walked right under the cliffs which was very exciting as there were lots of dassies and black lizards skittering and shouting at us. Maddie tried hard to climb the cliff but Alice pulled her back.
After all those exertions in the hot sun, we settled down in some shade for a drink.
Then down the road past the shark spotters and the posh houses,
back to ravine steps. Sue and Honey had a lunch date, so left in Sue's zooty little white car,
and we went back to Alice and Maddie and Omie Dome's house for tea.
I did a spot of train-spotting. (This is the Atlantic Rail Sunday Steam Train.)

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