10 March 2015

Snappy and happy Scotties

On a blustery Sunday morning we had another Scottie Walk in Bellville, where we met Stoffel's new little sister, Bibi. The Food Lady was quite smitten.
Some of the Scotties weren't too happy to see us. Especially Duncan.
And here is Laddie pulling a tongue at him. NOT very gentlemanly behaviour.
 Off we went - all on leads as there was a rumour about snakes ... but the Food Lady is not phased by snakes, she is more scared of the park guard,
and it clearly states that dogs must be on leads.
Decorous Scotties, mostly behaving well.
Some were eager to get off the lead,
but generally they were good.
The best thing about the Scottie walks is the treats we get.
Yummmmm - thanks Michele.
Even Laddie got some.
And some more. Lucky lad. Sometimes it pays to be blonde!
Everyone was eating yummy things.
What about me?
Stoffel and Bibi were creating quite a stir as they are very cute. As long as we don't have them at home I am fine with them.
Stoffel is very free with his kisses.
Two more normal, standoffish Scotties.
Although it was a bit blustery, it wasn't nearly as windy as it was at home. It was quite hot though.
What you got in there Oh Alph?
Peeping round - a bit unsure of all the bad tempered old Scots.
Poor Mac was quite unnerved by all the snapping and snarling and wanted to go home.
We did one more lap round the park,
past a scented March lily coming up in the grass,
and a prickly hedge of num-nums (Carissa bispinosa),
then we drove back into the roaring southeaster.

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